Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Murud - Janjira (Trip 1)

This one trip of mine will be told in more than one blog. The gist of it is that we friends had long ago decided to go for a trip to Murud-Janjira because we all had heard lots about it. We always go to Lonavala, but this time wanted to do something different, go to a different place, enjoy and be more independent. So we decided to go on a 3 day trip from the 21st of November to the 23rd of November, 2008. Very excited about the trip, we finally get to the day of enjoyment and leave with our backpacks, 13 people and 3 cars. We face many problems and have an adventure solving them and on top of it enjoy life to the fullest. So here I go...

I'll start from the beginning... The previous night it was decided that we'll get up by 6 and leave home by 6:30... Veryyy excited for this trip because we had been planning this for months on end... anyway... On time, we started our journey for Parle at a friends place. We call him Sunny... His building was the meeting point for the three cars... We were 13 of us... So we reached the place, decided how much money worth petrol was needed and how much money should v put in our common "bank" and then v started off again after filling petrol. We got a pretty smooth ride on the western express highway. Going to Alibaug, we had to take the old express highway and that was where the roads were getting a bit rough. Achha, we were 3 cars, one Optra, second SX4 (Both Sedans), and third a Wagon R... I was almost always in the Wagon R. That car being a hachback, gave us more trouble on those troubled roads than the other 2 Sedans. So finally we reached Kashid Beach and decided to stop there for sometime. We were happy to get out of our cars and stretch ourselves.

The first view of Kashid beach was mezmorising. I fell in love with it. Although it looked like any other normal beach, I could make out how clean it was even from a distance. There were hammocks on the start of the beach and all places were occupied really fast by all of us. Few of them started drinking coconut water there. After doing some masti, we sat down there thinking of what we should do next. So it was planned that our hachback was to go at one place to inquire about our staying arrangements... Yes you're right, we didnt book any place, nor did v have an idea of which place is good. My good friend Sudeep had almost booked a place over the phone, where our expenses were coming to be pretty cheap, but then other members were cynical of that idea because they had not seen the place and didnt want to risk it thinking how hygenic that place would be etc. So we went to a place, wayyyy over our budget while the others went to some other place to check the prices out there. Then we drove for more 15-20 kms to some village and took a break there. We asked the reason why we didn't take up that place where the other 2 sedans had gone, and they said that they didnt get a good price. But when we heard their prices, we thought it was a pretty good deal, because the rooms were air-conditioned and it also had a swimming pool.

Anyway, they were convinced and our blue hachback went back to that place, Sand Piper, and asked for prices there. We bargained a lot but still it was a bit over everyone's budget and the manager now wouldn't budge on the final offer he had made. While talking to the manager there, our friend Sunny called us and gave us his dad's number saying if we need his help, we shouldn't hesitate to ask him for help(His dad has the best of contacts). So we did just that, Sagar called up his dad and told us our problem. His dad was quick to react on this and within minutes the manager got a phone to settle a good deal for us. So we finally got a conference room to stay in because all the other rooms were booked. The best part about that room was that all 13 of us could stay in that one room and could enjoy all the time. So we first contacted the entire group and asked them if we should finalize this place. They agreed to it, so we paid the advance, and entered the room as if v own it completely. One friend was asking for the air conditioner to b repaired even when it was working fine, while the other fellow was asking for towels so that he could have a good bath before everyone else came from that village.

While we were looking around the room, we got a call from one of our friends saying that they got a bungalow on rent just opposite the Murud-Janjira beach and that we should leave Sand Piper and come there. We argued obviously because we had paid the advance taking their permission and spoke and fought on the phone for good fifteen-twenty minutes. Finally, we decided to get out of the room and Sagar, feeling the most embarrassed at that point of time, went to the manager and asked him to give us our advance back as some other friends had booked some other place and had paid some advance there as well. The manager was kind of stunned but then readily gave the money, indirectly taunting us and making sure that we don't come back again. I still remember that he said, "Aap toh contacts ke through aaye hain toh hum kuch bol nahi sakhte, lekin abhi aap phir se aayenge toh aapko accommodate karna mushkil ho sakhta hai.." and we got his hint.

Feeling really bad about what happened, we 4 friends of the Blue hachback were pretty irritated because the time now was about 2:30 and we still didn't have a good place to live for the next 2 days. Finally we reached the bungalow, Newly painted, it looked good from the outside, it looked new, it felt as if we were their first customers. Anyway, still a little angry for the embarrassment we faced and for losing out on such a good deal in Sand Piper, we kind of cooled down when we entered the bungalow. It had four rooms and we rented all four of them, I guess we got some discount for that. The bungalow was nice from the inside too. It had a large balcony from where the entire beach could be seen. Murud-Janjira beach was as beautiful as Kashid, with veryyy few people and it was well maintained. I loved the beaches out there. So once we got in the bungalow, we all heaved a sigh of relief because we finally got a place to live.

Then within 15 minutes, we left again to have some lunch because everyone at this point was starving. So we went to this place where only 2 types of thaaliis were available, a veg and a non-veg thaali. We all loved the food there and had a good hearty lunch which was pretty light on our pockets, hence loving it even more. Then we went to the bungalow and sat there for a while and within half an hour again, got into our beach wears, took out stumps, bats and balls and went to the beach to play some cricket. Played in the sand for a good one and a half-two hours and then went further in the water to do some more masti in the beach water.

Then again we went to the bungalow to have a bath but just as we entered the bungalow, we realised there was no electricity in the bungalow. But we didnt let the dark stop us from having a bath and moving around in the bungalow. We had loads of candles with us and lit a few of them, 1 candle in all the bathrooms and everyone took their baths. Electricity finally came after a while and we all sat in the balcony with some drinks and eateries. We sat and chatted for an hour or so, discussing about what had happened earlier in the day with us and planning the next days agenda .Then later on all thought of having dinner. We went to this place, and it was horrible. The amount of oil they used in the food, i guess i havent had such an intake of oil in my entire life, COMBINED!!! So we had dinner and then the group kind of divided into 2, one group was sitting near the beach on some benches and the other group went in the bungalow to have another session of drinks.

Now the irritation started. There were all kinds of insects in the bungalow, there were ones which are attracted to the light and they kept falling everywhere, there were ants, there were insects i saw for the first time. There was no fan in the hall or balcony, I checked the fans in the room and noticed that the top speed made the fan move really slow. Minimum speed of the fan made us think if the fan was even working. I dont know the reason, but the weather was not good at all. It was veryyy humid and veryy hot. Insects were now seen inside our glasses. Frustated with all of this,within fifteen minutes we threw our drinks away and came out of the bungalow and sat near the beach on the benches. The other group joined us and then an arguement took place. It was about what had happened at Sand Piper, and that we should had taken that place, atleast with the air-conditioner on, we could had stayed more peacefully, if not in the room, we could be in the pool and do more masti. Anyway, veryy frustated with the current situation, we all thought that we wouldnt get a good nights sleep even after all that we have done. Our friend Sunny has a bungalow in Lonavala. So another member of the group asked him casually if his bungalow was available at this point of time and he said that his bungalow was available 24*7. Then another friend said, let's go to his bungalow now, we'll reach there by midnight and then we can sleep aaraam se.

The time now was about 10 in the night and within five minutes, everyone agreed to this idea of going to Lonavala. The drivers didnt agree to it at all though. Firstly, one of the driver drank and he didnt trust anyone else with his car in the night. If it was day time, he would have had no problems. So the problems and dangers we discussed we could face were, 1st. If the police catch us, we'll be screwed because even if the driver didn't drink, others in the car did and the police would somehow take advantage of this situation and make us pay for some offence or the other. The second danger was that once we start our journey, we couldn't stop in between, and even if we do, we can't get out of our respective cars, because we were to travel through a jungle with no street lamps and there have been lots of cases where groups somehow manage to stop cars, rob them, hurt them and at times even kill them. That jungle type area was also known for its leopards and flying squirrels. Third danger was from within. Sunny's car was a unique car. It had no stepney in the car, no jack, no papers, front number plate was broken. The only thing this car had was a siren, thanks to his dad(told u he was veryyy influencial). If anything was to happen with this car, we would b stranded in the middle of a jungle. Anyway, we thought about all these things and thought of alternate precautions and finally took the risk of going to Lonavala. We had decided that no one will stop their cars in between, all windows will b up because of the dangers of animals and just by any case the cars stop, not all will get out of the car and also, when the journey starts, no car will overtake, Optra would lead because it had that siren with it, our blue hachback would stay in the middle and the third car would be in the end.

Agreeing to all these agreements, we called the caretaker at about 10:10 and told him that we had to leave urgently because of some family emergency. Thinking that we just have to inform him and our work will be done, we were wrong. He explained us politely that he had no customers for the next day, because we were supposed to be there, so we should give him money for the next day too. Then comes the entry of one character, Manish. He directly, very rudely said that we wont give him a single penny. Finding him toooo rude, we sent him to another room and starting discussing politely the situation there. We explained it to him that if he was to get customers the next day, then our money was an additional bonus for him. We somehow convinced him to lower his charges for leaving early but then Manish came to the main room again and said something rude again. Finally, because of his stupidity, we had to pay the caretaker a little more than what we had convinced him to take earlier. Also, a few people were tensed and feared ki 'nazar na lage' and said that we shouldnt argue much with him and give him whatever he wants.

At about 10:30 in the night, we started our journey, still not sure whether we r doing right by taking such a risk by going in the night. We people in the hachback had removed the bats and stumps from the back of the car and kept it with us, just in case. That was the kind of excitement we had between each other, Happy and scared at the same time. Night driving aint that easy either. So we started our drive from Murud-Janjira, we had bid farewell to that place thinking that we have had enough of this place. Half an hour into our journey, Sunny's Optra slowed down and stopped in a corner in the middle of a jungle and everyone came out of the car. Confused and wondering what they were doing, we all stopped and came out. We got off the car to see what the confusion was. The worst had happened, Optra's tire went flat.

Alibaug (Trip 2 - The Best Adventure)

Everyone now had a weird smile on their face, a mixture of fear and excitement in their mind. Somehow, the timing of the tyre getting flat couldn't be better. Now, we're in the middle of a jungle and have no idea what to do. The terms we had decided upon were broken by all when one of the discussed dangers actually took place. The time now about 11 in the night, we asked a few people if they could help us by leading us to someone who could work on the punctured tyre. One of them told us that there was one just on the corner of the road. Feeling lucky, we unloaded the Optra and reached at that place within seconds. The place wasnt far at all. There, we saw a person working on a motor-cycle tyre under a tube-light, the only light available at that moment. We told that person about the tyre and he said that he couldn't help us then because he didnt have the utilities needed to fix that puncture.

Now again we all panicked in our minds, not knowing what to do. One of us asked the person about the nearest garage that could help us. He said that we could get help from any petrol pump. The nearest petrol pump was about 60 kms away. We thought that one car could take the tyre there, get it fixed and come back, but then we were also scared about letting just one car go on its own. Anyway, with no options left, we decided to do just that. Using the jack of the hachback, we got the flat tyre off the car, loaded it in the third car, and 3 to 4 people left in that car. Now that they left, we kind of had a light moment there, joking around, doing some masti or the other, so that we don't get any negative thoughts in our minds because there were some, who thought about what happened, and thought that more was there in store for us. So we were all fooling around and then all of a sudden, we noticed that there was NO signal, NO network whatsoever in our mobiles. Abh if we have to contact them, we wouldn't know how to. Even if they were to try contacting us, then even they wouldn't be able to.

We all had assumed, that the third car, after leaving us, would take one hour to reach, half an hour to get the work done, and another one hour to reach back. Just in case our work was not to be done there, then we friends would have to spend the rest of the night in the jungle. They left at around 11:30 and we assumed them to come back by 2. After they left, we had good fun, shouting and partying for a good hour or so. The man who was working was working just outside his house. He was to go to sleep after he was done with the tyre. Just when he was finishing his work we started panicking a little more because his light was the only light available there. If he goes to sleep and switches his light off, we would have to stay in the dark, and that is when animals can come to venture out. He kind of read our mind and brought out some parts and started assembling a bicycle. He told us too that if it wasnt for them, he would had gone to sleep after he fixed the tyre of that motor-cycle. We were veryyy thankful to that man.

After an hour or so, everyone ran out of steam. Some were playing cards, some got out breezers, some ate, some wanted to puff some hukka. With every cars headlight that came our way that night, our spines went upright with excitement, hoping that it is our SX4 on our rescue, but it use to turn out that it was some truck or jeep or other car. That is when one of us said that our car had fog lights, which kind of gave a distinct way of knowing if it was our car. Now we were looking for all cars with fog lights, but there was no success. At about 2 in the night, we had waited for more than 2 hours till now, and everyone was getting impatient by this time. They were also scared because we couldn't contact them at all. The person working on the cycle did not have a landline either. Maybe he had but to us he said that he didnt have one. Anyway, hoping nothing went wrong, we were expecting them any moment now. In the meanwhile, a few of us hopped in the blue hachback and roamed a few kms to search for mobile network, but we didn't find any signal in that dark jungle. The jungle was scary. We were very lucky to find this man working here with a tubelight on, warna if the puncture was to happen after another half an hour, we would had been screwed royally. Here atleast v knew that the petrol pump was 60 kms ahead. If we were stuck in the jungle with no lights, no one to help us, no mobile networks to keep us connected, we would had been screwed badly. Thanking our stars, we thanked the man a few times while he was working. He just gave a small smirk. Not even a smile. He didnt even look at us, he was sooo engrossed in his work. Anyway, our hachback driver took the car within a radius of 2 or 3 kms both ways, scared that his car would get a puncture too and with the jack in use for the other car, he would b helpless. Everyone was panicking now, thinking that they should had been here till now. Some thought that they could have met with an accident, while some thought that they didnt find that petrol pump and would have to go further ahead to find one. If that was to be the case, then we would have to b in that jungle till ATLEAST five or six in the morning.

Thinking all those things, at around 2:30 or 2:45, one of them shouted, heyy theres a car with a fog lights coming straight towards us. Like animals, we all jumped on the road dancing with joy on the return of our "heroes". We weren't even sure if that was our car, but what could be the chances of that car not being ours?? We didn't care now who it was because we just got too exhausted by this time. Luckily it was them and we people, the people of the jungle, shared a group hug, a hug filled with joy, filled with relief, filled with joy and relief again. They then told us their part of an adventure to us. It went something like this.

They left from the jungle and started a little journey of theirs. The driver was exhausted already but then, he had a lot of driving to do for the night, so he had mentally prepared himself for that rough and tough mental journey. They completed about 60 kms in an hours time and as rightly said by the man, they saw a petrol pump. They went in and asked some official there to help us out. He said that the worker to fix the puncture was out and there was no one there who could fix the puncture. So they panicked at that moment, maybe tried calling us but then we jungle people had no network there. So they left that place and searched for some place there nearby. They again entered some jungle and finally saw a man, just like we had found earlier, again, working on a tyre. They saw some hope there and asked him for help. He said that v should get it done at the petrol pump which was just a kms or two away. They told him what the official told him and the man, in a furious tone, told them to come with him there and he'll get their work done. They claimed that he had come in the form of god, because if he wasnt there to help us, we would had taken the entire night to get the tyre fixed. So they went to the petrol pump again, that man woke the other officials and workers in the garage, and made them fix the tyre in their sleep. They were even more thankful to him for coming with them and getting their work done. Then after getting the work done there, they headed back to the jungle where we were situated.

From Alibaug to Lonavala (Trip 2 contd...)

We heard their part of the story and everyone heaved a sigh of relief and blessed the man there who kind of saved us from being tortured more. Now we felt that our good time has started. We fixed the tyre back in the car and started our journey to Sunny's house, i.e. Lonavala. I sat in the front seat, thinking that others might doze off so one should give the driver company all the time, so that he doesnt feel sleepy. So we started from there after thanking the man there. The road was a bit bad initially, but then much to my surprise, it good really good. I had prepared myself for a rough ride because of the bad roads.

We drove in the same manner, with the Optra in the lead, our hachback, and then the SX4. The people in the backseat in our car were fast asleep, so it was just me and Sudeep. Sudeep was driving and I was chit-chatting with him. Half an hour into our journey, we considered ourselves lucky because we had not seen a single light in the jungle till now, not a single house or garage, IF that Optra was to get punctured there and not at the place where it actually did.

Anyway, while talking, there was a moment after about an hours drive, where the SX4 overtook our car, and the Optra too. We were kind of surprised, because the driver of the SX4 was the one responsible for the rules we had created. He went ahead of the Optra, and Sudeep and me, we started discussing what could be the matter. We were preparing ourselves for the worst thinking that he might now stop the car in the middle of the jungle and make us go through some other adventure. A few kilometres ahead, we saw him taking a turn in a petrol pump. The others followed him, and stopped the car in a corner. We got out of the car and then saw them near a small shop. Friends were ordering coffee and some others were asking for ice-creams. We went out and did the same. This was the same petrol pump where the SX4 had come earlier to fix the puncture. We took a 15 minute break and then started off from there.

Again, another half an hour into the journey, we saw a few toll booths. Optra showed the siren and made sure they didn't stop us either. We passed a few toll booths this way. Then there was a turn which kind of got us on the new express way, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief there. We were out of the jungle so if anything was to happen to any car on the new express way, then we would be able to handle it better. One of our friends in the hachback then got up saying he wanted to pee. Our hachback was slower than the other cars. Anyway, Sudeep then said he'll let him do that after the main express way toll booth. He stepped on the peddle then, reaching the top speed of the car, overtaking the other two cars. We stopped at the toll booth. We didn't wait for the Optra thinking ki its no big deal if we pay the toll once.

While paying the toll, Sudeep saw that the Optra and SX4 were changing their lanes to the veryy last left lane. We knew that he would show the siren and get the SX4 and themselves out without making anyone pay. So we paid the toll, then stopped the car in the left, let our friend to be with nature for a few minutes, he came back, and we started off again. We were surprised the other 2 cars didnt catch up yet. We then thought that we were pretty fast before the toll booth, so it will still take them sometime to catch up. The bungalow wasnt too far from here. So we thought that we'll carry on and wait for them there. Another 15 minutes left to reach the bungalow, Sudeep got a call. I picked it up and it was one of the members from the other cars. They asked us where we were. We said that we almost reached and asked them the same question. I asked him this, and he said that they were roaming around in a mall there. There are malls near petrol pumps and we had seen that somewhere around the toll booth. I asked him what he was doing there toh, much to my shock, he said the one thing that i didnt want to hear. Optra's tyre got punctured... AGAIN!!!

Lonavala (Trip 3 - Feels like Home)

Shocked at hearing what i heard, I asked him which tyre was it and he said that it was the same tyre. And we in the car started abusing... Didnt know whom we were abusing... the car, Sunny, its tyre, or ourselves, but v still continued to abuse. There are no U-Turns on the new expressway and taking a reverse was not an option at all that we had. So they told us to carry on towards the bungalow and rest while they sort out the issue there near the petrol pump. We were earlier joking around that if anything else is to happen with this Optra, we wont stop for them and just carry on with our plans, acting as if we dont know them. So the friend on the phone was telling us that we did just that, in an obviously jovial manner and said that they were unfortunate to be stuck with this mess and we got lucky to get away. So we didnt wait for them at all and reached the bungalow in the next fifteen minutes, the time being about 6 in the morning.

The bungalow was beautiful. As soon as v got out of the car, we had this cool breeze making us feel really good. It made us feel that all the trouble we went through that night didnt go in vain. Anyway, this wasnt the first time we were coming to Sunny's bungalow. For his friends, the bungalow is like their second home. There was this main bungalow with 2 rooms a hall and a kitchen and a subordinate bungalow which was one storied with a beautiful terrace on the top. The ground floor had one room and first floor had 2 rooms interconnected from within. Both rooms had a bed where 2 people could sleep very comfortably. So we went on the first floor there, changed as soon as we could, locked the room from inside because the room was full now and also, if v had kept the rooms open, the latecomers would definately come and disturb us from our sleep. So we slept at about 6:15 and ended our adventurous journey then. During the time i was deep in some happy dream, others had come by 8:15, kicked and boxed the door till one of us woke up and unlocked the door. I didnt know all this had happened. Anyway, now comes the fun part of the trip.

We all got up by 11:30, veryy hungry, and still a bit cranky and sleepy. I thought to myself that only me and the three drivers had that right to be cranky because we were the ones awake all night while the others snored in their sleep in the car.

So we thought of having a brunch at some restaurant there. We left and almost ate the entire restaurant that afternoon. After eating, we came back to our 'adda' and just sat there, listening to music, talking, and the rest having hukka. Our "DJ" Sunny was playing some good old songs, which weren't all that old, but around the mid 90's. He also played some popular numbers of recent bollywood. Then came the song 'Talli' and one of them shouted - Khamba nikaaaaalllll!!! And then the madness started. There were two bottles of Vodka, 13 people and 7 to 8 regular drinkers. The others were forced to take big sips of vodka from the bottle except for Rasal who abstained from drinking. He took over the camera, taking out the video of the madness that was happening.

Even before the drinks were taken, we all felt high. One person had the bottle with him and he was pouring it in everyones mouths. All kind of songs were played in the middle. From songs like Tu cheez badi hai mast mast to the new ones like College days were played and we were dancing and singing out loud. Everyone was in their own sweet world. Some singing and dancing, some playing with the broken guitar, some playing with a toy tiger, some getting tooo friendly with each other and hugging and doing different things to each other. Some people then shifted to the garden area and started doing more masti there. They were doing sommersaults, others were falling on each other and the rest continued to dance to the music inside.

Lonavala (At the end of Trip 3)

Everybody in the group loves to play cricket and so we did just that. Just outside the bungalow compound, we took out our bats and balls, formed 2 teams and started playing. All had their spirits high thanks to the drinks that we had just sometime back. We played cricket for a good couple of hours. While playing cricket, there were gossips of playing hide and seek and torturing Manish by making him seek all of us in the night, after dinner. Some were still pissed at him for the way he acted in Mrurd-Janjira with the caretaker there. Hence, everyone was kind of excited to wait for the evening and bully the hell out of Manish.

After playing cricket, some people started having a bath in the garden itself, with a pipe (Not naked obviously) and the rest who preferred a hot water bath, went in the bathrooms to freshen up. The caretaker of this bungalow was washing 2 of the cars which were in the compound. In an hours time, everybody was done with their baths and till then decided to have dinner at home which the caretaker was to prepare and so we had to go to the market to buy vegetables and chicken. Four of us including me, Sudeep, Hardik and Pankaj were bored to go to a crowded market place and decided to remain in the bungalow for a while. The other nine people went to the market to buy the vegetables. After a few photosessions, we four thought about going to the market and checking out the crowd. And to our surprise, the girls out there were really good. Our jaws dropped at the sight of their revealing clothes and our eyes were popping out every 2 minutes. We started having some junk food there and coincidently, the other nine people also joined in. I didnt come to know when they joined in. Anyway, there was Sunny, who was furious and didnt want us to eat much outside because there was a lot of food to be prepared for us. But i think he underestimated our eating capacity. Anyway, while eating, there were a couple of cute girls next to a shop and Mr. Sagar accompanied with someone went to that Namkeen shop and started asking for rates of the commodities. As soon as the girls left, the shopkeeper almost packed the commodities that Sagar had asked for, and i remember him saying, " Abey tu rakh apne paas..." then Sagar followed the girls to another shop which had only women clothing. Sudeep was asking him what he would do going there because it was a shop meant for ladies, to which Sagar replied, " Meri behen ke liye khareedna hai..." Not to our surprise, he came out empty handed.

Then we finally went home after bird-watching for more than an hour there and decided to hang out on the terrace with some drinks. Hardik the bartender was showing off his skills as a bartender. The climate was really cool and because of this weather, drinks ka mazaa hi kuch aur tha. Manish was bragging as usual that he wouldn't be high on drinking an entire bottle of vodka... NEET(without mixing anything else)!! So Hardik and Rasal got togther and gave him a 750 ml. bottle of vodka and told him to gulp the entire bottle down his throat. He was pretty apprehensive and declined the offer to do so. So Hardik and Rasal started teasing him that he couldn't do so, that he was a coward, that he was a liar, and he can just boast about himself, and not do it when the time comes. Hardik and Rasal were spot on as these words were enough to provoke Manish and he took the bottle which had almost 120 ml left in it and gulped it down, with no sign of discomfort. I was baffled. Infact not only me, everyone else thought it was really surprising for Manish to do it. He finished the bottle and Hardik and Rasal sarcastically made him feel like the king of the world. And he was pretty happy being on cloud 9 at that moment. Manish had a body language that said, this is nothing, I can do a lot more. So Hardik teased him more and convinced him to drink more. We were out of vodka, so Hardik and a few people went to the market to get one more bottle especially for Manish and another one for the group. By the time they reached home, Manish had disappeared. Later on, we came to know that he was speaking on the phone, only god knows with whom. He was brought back on the terrace on demand and this time, everybody was teasing him and bullying him so that he would drink more. But he didnt drink. He seemed washed out, eventhough he said that he wasnt. From the terrace of the bungalow, the western express highway can be seen. In between all our fun, we noticed an arguement between a truck driver and an esteem car driver. We don't know what exactly happened, but we shouted 'maaro maaro' excitedly to both the drivers. The truck driver took it in a light humourous way and showed us the thumbs-up and they moved on.

Now the time was 11 in the evening and it was dinner time. Everyone was hungry again and more than the dinner, people awaited the game that was to be played after dinner. We had a good filling dinner. We realised how hungry we were when we fell short of rotis. After hogging on all the food left, we sat down for sometime there in the garden and chilled out for sometime. That was the time to impliment our plan and make Manish our target for the seeker. We all had planned to "pukao" and get the den on Manish. It worked. The very first move, and Manish's den. It was a bit suspicious, but Manish didnt suspect anything at that moment. Our plan worked and now it was time for fun. All lights of the bungalow were switched off and it was picth dark. Rules were set that no one was to hide inside the bungalows. Only the bungalow compounds and the garden area was the area of hiding. But, just as he went to count, four of them hid in the car, a couple of them went on the terrace, and the others hid, or rather went to sleep in the bungalow. Manish had a terrible time looking for everyone. He didnt have a clue as to where everyone was. To play more, Hardik played with the pass light of the car, and Manish came to know that someone was in the car. The car, was heavily tinted. It was a VIP car, hence that amount of tint was allowed, and hence, not a single person could be seen in the car. Manish tried finding out who was in the car, but gave up later on. He adopted a strategy of hiding himself, so that others will come out and he can get them out. The members in the car saw him hiding, and then Hardik called Manish on his phone. On picking up, he abused and told him, "Abey tera den hai, hum logo ka nahi, tu kya chhup raha hai?? Baahar nikal!!" He came out again and started hunting down for us. By that time, we were fast asleep.

I dont know how the game ended, but i know that we succeeded in our plan to bully Manish. He was seeking for us for more than an hour i guess. Later on, i was woken up by Hardik and Mohit, as they pushed me to give them space for sleeping. Me, Mohit and Hardik discussed on what happened with Manish, but i don't remember a thing of it as i was too deep in sleep when they woke me up. Then Hardik started pulling Mohit's leg. I somehow joined in, and we were telling Mohit about a few girls whom he could possibly hook up with. Can't go in further details about that[:P]but Mohit was rather gullible about it and took it rather seriously. He was begging Hardik to help him hook up with any of the girls there. Then later on, after the conversation ended, Mohit got up and went to some other room to talk about his chances of hooking up with someone while me and Hardik laughed cunningly about it. We slept off at around 1:30 that night. Hardik had some important family work the next day to attend and another friend had to go early too. So it was decided that Sudeep, Hardik, Sid and Mont will leave in one of the cars early morning by 6.

Getting up after a few hours, i saw Hardik and Sudeep all ready and geared up to leave. I got up to wish them good bye and then they finally left by 7. We had decided to stay in the bungalow till evening as there was an India-England Cricket match. But some had to leave, and so there was a debate if we should stay or leave. So we decided to leave and reach home early, so that we can watch the match at home with peace.

We went to have breakfast at a place nearby and everyone had Missal Pao there which was really delicious. Then, having tea, we started our journey for home. For a very long time, I was eyeing the front seat of the SX4. I wanted to sit in the front and enjoy the experience. And so I did. We started our journey from there, for home. Everyone was in a bit of a hurry because they didnt want to miss the match.

I was just loving the SX4 comforts. The highway infront of us was open, and Rasal, wanting to test the raw power of the car, stepped on the accelerator. The car was now at a speed of 160 km/h at one point of time. He slowed down a little and later on, again pressed on the accelerator. This time there was a small curve along the highway and the speed was 170 km/h. It felt like heaven. The A.C. was on and it didn't feel like the car was at that kind of a speed. It felt as if the car was at around 80, or max 90 km/h. Rasal then wanted everyone to take a drinks break. He led us somewhere in Matunga where we get milkshakes and all kind of juices. Everyone was furious as they wanted to go home soon. The match had already started and they were getting really angry because they were missing all the fun of Sehwag and Sachin opening the innings. But still, we had our milk shakes and juices, enjoyed them, and then again started.

Only an hour away from home, the traffic was kind of annoying. When uve come from a place where there have been no cars or signals in the way, it is natural to be irritated by the little Sunday traffic that we witnessed. Being at really high speeds, the mediocre speed of 80km/h at this stage was annoying. But then finally one by one, each person was being dropped at their home and after a while we saw Sudeep in the township, looking rather busy with some work. Anyway, finally I was dropped too. It was the end of one of the most unforgettable holidays of our lives. Hope we have many more like this one. THE END

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nashik Dhol

Firstly, let me clarify... NO!! I'm not talking about the music... This is a random experience of a time when I had to go to Nashik, reached half way, but then had to turn around and come back home again... Anyway
It was all planned... My father called me up one evening, and said, be prepared, gotta go to Nashik tomorrow for some work... its just me and u... The journey starts at 6...
So like a good boy, I went home early that day, ate dinner with family (felt nice) and then slept by 10:30 so that i could get up by 5, get ready and leave home by 6... Everything went according to plan, and we started our 4 hour journey to Nashik (4 hour one way). I got behind the wheels initially and v drove off... the weather was kind of chilly, not exactly cold, because that is not what the weather in Mumbai normally is, but the morning was pretty chilly... Anyway, it was a nice drive, very few vehicles, ammazing roads to drive on, and a father son friendly chat, discussing cars, roads and drivers 'etc'... We had reached half way pretty fast, in one and a half hours to be precise, so we decided to stop at a place called Mid-Way Park... I thought to myself, wow... We're midway and we're stopping at the midway park :P:P anyway... We sat down and ordered some snacks, tea and coffee for our hungry rats inside our stomach. Out of curiousity, I asked my father what work did he exactly have there, and how much time would it take him there?? Even before I could finish my question, dad looked at me, baffled!! His hands on his head... his eyes shun as if he had done something terribly wrong and he wished he hadn't had done it. He was silent for a few seconds... I asked him what happened?? Then he spoke, that the file that he was to carry, he didnt carry them, he forgot them on the dressing table, home... I asked him if the work could b done without that file. He said no. He said that without it, there was no use of going to Nashik all the way from Mumbai. We shared a light moment, both laughing on ourselves for getting up so early and reaching halfway without the file... I felt lucky that i asked him the question there, otherwise, if we reached Nashik and he realised that he forgot the file, then we would had been in deep shit... so anyway... With nothing to do, we ate our breakfast and drank our respective tea and coffee and left back... This time on the other side of the road, the road to home.. Dad got behind the wheels and it felt as if we had gone for some long vacation and were coming back home again :P:P So this was one of my trips to Nashik... 4 hours for us to reach midway and come home again... In the end, If someone asks, I can just say that we father-son jodi had ventured out for some midway snacks :P:P ;)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Soul OF Inspiration

Special ties of love and affection we break,
and I wonder,
is it only my heart that aches??
I loved her,
I knew I loved her like hell...
But I loved her,
She knew...
She knew I loved her sooo very well
Answers I have learnt the hard way,
Hoping she wont have to face my kind of "love" one day
Just one love was what my heart cried
It was ignored, left alone
Till the last breath of my heart died.
I still remember that day,
that day when tears rolled inconsolable,
that day, when even those tears had some tears in them.
With my silent cry, I cry again, I cry to her,
Please don't fall in love,
filled with a hope and a lie
Because such is this love you gave me that,
Neither will it live,
Nor will it let you die.